Healthy Lifestyle | Habit Change Action Plan |

| Healthy Lifestyle |

Definition by the World Health Organisation (WHO) for a healthy lifestyle states that living in a way that lowers the risk of being ill or an untimely death due to preventative causes will be considered a healthy lifestyle.

To live a complete and healthy lifestyle, avoid adding habits that increase the risk of disease and focus on your physical, mental and social wellbeing.

The World Health Organisation sets out an action plan for dealing with habits that do not contribute to a healthy lifestyle.  We are using the WHO action plan for detoxing.

During your detox you, focus on changing one habit.

  • 1st, monitor your behaviour and figure out what traits are not healthy.  Once you have pinpointed your unhealthy traits ask yourself when and why the habit is in your life. For this example, we are focusing on afternoon caffeine.
  • 2nd, decide to give up the afternoon caffeine habit and choose a day to stop which is planned and not during a stressful time of life.  Get rid of anything that assist in keeping the negative habit.
  • 3rd, get assistance for the times where you may be through habit used to having the habit. Have a plan on how to deal with that time. For example,  if you are used to meeting with friends for an afternoon coffee, carry teabags with you and order a hot glass of milk or water.  Make sure that you have an option other than coffee, don't give up socialising with friends.
  • 4th, practice ways of saying no to a cup of coffee in the afternoon.   One cup won't hurt you is a phrase that you need to be able to answer no in a positive way that encourages discussion of some other topic not caffeine.
  • 5th, have a support network in place before you give up your afternoon cup of coffee.  Your support network will give you positive reinforcement and remind you why a coffee free afternoon is beneficial for your life.

Detoxing afternoon coffee \ caffeine from lifestyle

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