Research | Cravings and Food Cue Modification |

Research is showing that cravings subside during a long detox but are present for the first fourteen days.  For Health coaches interested in detoxes, it is important to warn clients so they don't feel like they failed the detox if their cravings for nondetox foods happen during the first fourteen days.   

During the first fourteen days of the wellness detox, clients need to journal and see what food cravings are appearing and when they appear in the client's day.

Food related Cues that may cause cravings include labels packaging and food photos.

Over time, cues paired with a food item will illicit a strong conditioned response such as gastric activity (having to go the bathroom), Dopamine release in the body, (happy feeling), Thoughts about the specific food and another activity.

Food cues increase craving, and that craving then leads to eating.  Environments with pervasive advertisements cause issues with increased cravings from visual photographs of unhealthy or calorie dense foods.

People who live in an environment with more food ads have a higher BMI.  training in cognitivestrategies aims to alter the internal architecture of food choices, including how individuals crave and value foods, allowing individuals to nudge themselves toward change.

Cravings for a specific drink with dinner may be altered with patience.

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